A proper note on toothaches

Do you have a toothache? Do you want to know why you experience pain in your oral region? If yes, pat yourself because you have landed on the right page to educate yourself. But before that, note to visit the toothache doctor singapore for the best treatment.

Common causes of pain around your tooth

Tooth decay, tooth fracture, repetitive grinding, repetitive chewing, infected gums, damaged filling and the removal or eruption of a tooth are the common causes of toothache.

Can you spot any symptoms of a toothache?

Yes, pain near the tooth increases; you can feel a constant, throbbing, or sharp pain when an edible comes in contact with your tooth. Headache, fever, foul-tasting drainage, bad odor, and swelling around the infected tooth are common symptoms of a toothache.

toothache doctor singapore

Will the toothaches vanish on their own?

Yes, a few individuals reported temporary toothaches that lasted for a couple of hours and then vanished. Gums with temporary redness can restore to their normal state after a couple of days. That doesn’t mean you will continue eating hard food that can worsen the condition of your tooth.

Is there a way to prevent toothache?

Yes, as the majority of toothaches occur due to tooth decay, following healthy practices to keep the teeth clean can prevent toothaches. Usage of fluoride toothpaste for brushing, flossing once a day, half-yearly consultation with a dentist can protect you from tooth-related issues.

Should one book an appointment with a dentist?

Well, that depends on your medical condition. You must consult a dentist in the following situations

  • Prolonged toothache for more than a couple of days
  • Severe pain near the tooth
  • Trouble opening mouth wide accompanied by earache, fever, and pain near the tooth.
  • Mouth or face swelling


From the above, it is evident that toothaches can be triggered due to a variety of causes like tooth decay, tooth fracture, repetitive grinding, repetitive chewing, infected gums, damaged filling, and, removal or eruption of a tooth. You can recognize the toothache if throbbing, sharp pain persists.  Not just that, a few people experience headaches, fever, bad odor, and foul-tasting drainage from the negatively affected tooth.

Another discussed interesting point is that some lucky individuals do not reach a stage to contact a dentist as the pain vanishes on its own. Use the mentioned list of reasons to consult a medical practitioner for the treatment of toothaches.